It's been weeks , but that's because we've been working on making major updates to our website! ......!
Revelet has built its reputation over the years with a huge customer base worldwide. We have focussed on research and development activities in various engineering sectors and offer broad research products without compromising on quality. We mainly deal with electronics, electrical, power electronics, robotics and software related activities. We always follow new technologies and build them up for you. Our researchers helps to bring your ideas to reality.
We support our customers in expert research, development, management and technology. Revelet leverages its deep industry experience to achieve smarter and more efficient product development. Placing orders with revelet, we guarantee your engineering idea a full-fledged embodiment within our effective one-stop, turn-key strategy...
We introduce new testing & measuring equipment to the engineering sector such as spectrum analyser, Power analyser (THD, PF), SNR analyser, MV analyser, DSO, MSO, MSA, etc. Our DMA tools provide accurate, qualitative and modern waveforms, and is designed for research-driven applications. The main features of our DMA tools are wireless compatibility(wifi, rf, etc.), data isolation, protocol supporting for USB 2.1 and USB 3, touch compatibility, high sampling rates (200Mhz/ Channel), Raster and vector graphic support, AI (artificial intelligence )triggering.
We introduce Standard, Mid-range and Premium models to the market, Pricing and features will be published later.
MoreWe focus primarily on hardware & software related projects in the fields of electronics, electrical and mechatronics...
*Industrial training programs are scheduled